Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Seriously frustrated!

Okay, can I just vent for a few minutes????!!!!
I had somewhat of a heated discussion last night about politics with my husband. Don't let me mislead you, we are very likeminded. We were talking about how scary it would be to have Obama as president.
First of all, he's democrat which turns me off right there. Don't EVEN get me started about how I feel about that.
But my point today is how liberal his voting record is. It is ridiculous! He calls himself a Christian, but doesn't know if life begins at conception...what a bunch of crap! I don't want a man like that running my country who doesn't even know what he thinks. He has voted in IL against banning state funds for partial birth abortion. Do you even know what that is??!! It's murder, how horrible for those little babies! So if you believe in this type of abortion or abortion at all, vote for him.
It's obvious who I'm voting for, McCain. Don't agree with all his policies, but he doesn't have an agenda to make abortion legal, and he had a very conservative voting record.
Obama is about as post-modern as they come. It's all relative to him. Below is a link from where I recieved this above information.
It appears this guy is just catering to the masses, not wanting to offend anyone...this kind of mediocracy makes me sick! I'm not saying oh look at me, how perfect I am, obviously I know I am a sinner and need the grace of Christ in my life every second. But come on! In several interviews that I have read, he never really seems to answer the questions presented to him, however, his voting record won't lie.
Please, if you're reading this.. Be Informed! In the end, all I can do if vote and pray.

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