Friday, April 15, 2011

Colt is 3 months old! (4.14.2011)

Weight: a hefty 18 lbs!
Height:26 inches
Sleep: He usually wakes up about 2x a night now to nurse (just depending). Typically falls asleep around 10pm and is up ready to go by 7am. He's been dealing with a cough the last couple of 3 weeks, and that sometimes wakes him up too.
Eating: Still eating every couple of hours during the day and a couple of times during the night.

The weather has finally been warming up, so we're able to spend more time outside now. Colt enjoys takeing walks in his stroller and sitting in his bouncy outside on the sidewalk. He's beginning to engage more with us now too. If we smile at him he always smiles back and bats his long eyelashes and his baby blues just sparkle. I love it!! Unfortunately, he's been sick off and on the past month. We had to give him breathing treatments fairly consistently for about 2 weeks, but those have tapered off now. He mainly has a few coughing spells at night, but again it has gotten a lot better. The doctor determined it was from those oh so lovely allergies! My poor baby! But he's a trooper, he rarely cries, only if he's uncomfortable or hungry. Fix it, and he's a happy baby.
He's already traveled to Louisiana and Mississippi in the past month. Louisiana to see Gigi and Papaw, and Mississippi for a wedding. Colt has been such a blessing to us, so thankful that God gave him to us.

My chunky monkey

My two handsome boys. Adam and I are so blessed!

enjoying some playtime in his baby bed

Enjoying a stroll at the park with Bruh Bruh (that's what Dallas wants Colt to call him)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring 2011

Ahhhh....Spring time in beautiful East Texas! The temperatures are in the mid 70's, the morning air is crisp and refreshing, skies are clear and blue, and my favorite part, all the beautiful flowers that are now in bloom. Here are a few of my favorites that I see each day on the drive to my office and from around town

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

2 Months Old

Colt turned 2 months old on March 14th! Here are the stats:

Weight: 16.2 lbs (99 %ile)
Height:25 1/2 inches (99 %ile)
Sleep: The longest he has slept at one time is 5 hours, but in a typical night goes to bed around 10pm, wakes around 1am, 4am, and 7am. Fortunately, he nurses and goes right back to sleep.
Eating: typically nurses every 2 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night.

He has started smiling and cooing a lot more lately. It's so precious to watch. He enjoys a warm bath and likes for me to massage his legs and arms with lotion aftwards. He's focusing better and moves his head from side to side to follow us. He's even noticed kitty echo walking by a few times. He's holding his head more steady and can grasp his hands and fingers much tighter. He used to not like his carseat at all, but now will tolerate it as we go from one place to another in the car or truck. He also began sleeping in his own bed last week. He began daycare last week. He goes 1/2 days 3 days a week. I always prayed that if God ever blessed us with another baby I would get to spend more time with it, because with Dallas I began working full time when he was 2 1/2 months old. We took him to daycare @ 7am and picked him up about 5 30 M-F. It was torture for me! Well, God answered my prayers with Colt. Since I have my own practice I get to set my office hours. He goes to daycare Mon, Wed, and Thurs. Tues and Friday we get to spend together, and I'm so thankful for that time.

Dallas and Colt. That's the best I could get with both of them this time. I'll try to get a picture of them together each month to see how much each of them change.

Don't you just love this one? I call him my ice cream cone 'cause he's such a treat. I've started to call Dallas cheesecake 'cause he's so sweet :)

Here's Colt in his crib for the first night. His outfit says,"Pinch me, I'm cute." I try to every chance I get!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

Valentine's day this year was super sweet (and I mean that literally)! Adam said something would be delivered on V-Day, so not sure what I was expecting.
I picked up Dallas from school and when we returned home there was a big box at our door step. Dallas wanted to tear into it right away, but I wanted to wait until Adam got home.
After Adam got home we tore into the box and found this!!

Unfortunately, I took these pics after most of the candy was eaten! haha I realized this would be a SWEET post (sorry for the pun) so I put the boxes back together and snapped a few shots.
Before the candy was eaten, each box was filled with various goodies all from the Popcorn Factory.

Thank you my loves, your gifts were a treat!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events

I'm sitting here thinking of what to write for my next post and find myself going through old posts that I've made. I love looking at all the pictures and videos of Dallas. I can't help but to smile when I watch this video of Dallas singing Jingle Bells at age 3 or this one when he was a baby. I can't believe he used to be so little!! Where has the time gone? I'm so glad I took the time to write various posts about him, like this one and posts pics of him like this one! It encourages me to keep current posts and pictures updated of Colt. I'm so proud of my sweet boy! I really miss him being little, but love seeing him grow and learn. Maybe I'm too sentimental, but I'll never have these years back with Dallas and just want to remember every second!

Monday, February 14, 2011

1 Month Old

Wow!! Today our little Coltie Pie is 1 month old! He's been such a fun baby to have, and we are so blessed. Each month until he turns 1 year I'm going to take a picture of him in this little rocking chair. This was mine when I was little, so it carries a sentimintal meaning to me. I tried taking them of Dallas in it, but never stayed very consistent. Speaking of my sweet Dallas Grant, things have gotten a lot better around here. He's enjoying his little brother a lot and hugs and kisses him whenever he gets the chance!
I'm not sure of how much he weighs currently, but guessing Colt is around 11 lbs. He has already grown out of newborns clothes and diapers 2 weeks ago, and well into 0-3 months. I know he's only a month old, but I've already noticed him coming into his own little personality. It's funny to watch his face change from a smile, to a frown, then back to a smile again. He makes funny faces when he's awake and asleep. He doesn't cry a lot, and when he does it's only for an obvious reason, hunger, cold, uncomfortable where he's sitting etc... I've given him a lot of nicknames here and there, but I think I'm going to call him cuddle bug. He loves for me and his daddy to hold him, and will fall asleep in no time if he's lying on my chest.
I'm enjoying every second with him, and looking forward to seeing what the next month has in store for him!

Colt - 1 Month Old (2.14.2011)

Colt and Big Brother Dallas

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Colt's Newborn Photoshoot

Soon after Colt was born my dear friend, Olivia, offered to take some newborn pictures of him. Of course I was thrilled and immediately said yes! So yesterday, Colt and I finally headed over to her house to capture all his sweetness. He was awake for a while after we got there, but he finally fell asleep, and she could work her magic! I am so impressed by her talent, and started crying when she sent me the proofs yesterday. All the pictures turned out absolutley precious and I'll cherish them always. Thank you so much, Olivia!!